Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Grand Old Party Trashes Itself.

Wikipedia. “Conservatism in the United States comprises a constellation of political ideologies including fiscal conservatism, free market or economic liberalism, social conservatism,[11] bioconservatism and religious conservatism,[12] as well as support for a strong military,”

“Grand Old Party trashed by their own success and greed.”

For the last forty years, we have had 28 years of Republican presidents, seven out of ten elections won by GOP. What do we have from the party proclaiming small government, fiscal responsibility, states rights, strong military with social and religious conservatism?

We have the largest deficit in history, gas prices out of control. a struggling economy, government secrecy, widespread cronyism, corporate welfare (billion $ bailouts for bankers) secret torture, government spying, an exhausted military with abysmal care for wounded veterans, and arguably the greatest strategic blunder of our times in a costly war of choice which we will be cost billions more and much human harm. and has not made us any safer. Not to mention such immorality in high places that GOP resignations have been rampant. Not to mention our broken borders.

The Grand Old Party said “Let us show you how it should be done!” So we ask what has the 7 ½ years of George W. Bush, the first MBA to occupy the White House, brought to our country?

Can you, will you trust another Republican, even though he may be a “maverick?” What is the evidence that he will not consider the rich, the lobbyists and corporate America as his true base, that he will not use religion to divide the country and pander to religious prejudice? They have had 28 years of the last 40 and all of the last seven years.

For six solid years, Republicans had the White House, the Senate, the House, the Cabinet, the CIA and the Justice Department, all in their control. If you want to measure what they brought us, look around.

Paschal Baute
Lexington, Ky
June 28, 2008.

PS. I am in the process of reviewing a book: Liberal Fascism. by Jonah Goldberg. The dishonesty of the author in not being upfront with his own bias and personal context, and his failure to define his terms, make this an absurd ideological smokescreen to cover up the abject failure of the Republican Brand of conservatism in national politics to do any of what it proposes. Published in 2007, when all the above trends were evident, it is simply a concealment of the total failure of conservative politics.


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