Saturday, August 30, 2008

Sarah Palin is not a lightweight candidate

Rachel Maddow MSNBC, God bless her, is absolutely right.

Sarah Palin is a Dan Quale choice.

She is not even a lightweight. She’s featherweight.


In the dangerous world in which we live,

particularly with the main man being 72,

the primary characteristic of a VP to be chosen



She is not such because John McCain says so.

There is no way whatever that Sarah Palin fits this requirement.

No national experience, no international experience.

Take a person whose only elective executive experience is being governor, make them President, and give them a serious international and domestic crisis and what do you get?

An illegal, immoral war of choice that is the greatest strategic blunder of our short history as a nation, with incalculable costs in youth, blood and money.

You can bet she was not thoroughly vetted and

many things are to be exposed about her Stand by.

Since she has no apparent qualification for President then it is obvious she was chosen for political balance alone.

What a stunning revelation of the judgment of John McCain.

Choosing the VP is the first example of judgment and leadership.

McCain fails, and fails miserably

in the choice of this featherweight candidate

to be a single heartbeat away from the most powerful position in the world.

This is another Dan Quale type of choice,

mainly for cosmetic and political reasons.

Her choice is an insult to all of America.

Truly an insult to each and all of us.

We deserve no better than this?

Yeeks. Her high squeakily voice is a measure

of her emotional depth alnd her intelleclual reach.

Big Red flag for McCain's temperament and judgment. Look out America, Here comes another cowboy, with a cowgirl.


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