Saturday, September 20, 2008

If You Are NOT Outraged...? comment on this week 918 -22

If you are NOT outraged....

Estimated 700 billion plus dollars of your money
is needed to bail out Wall Street’s greed and
to remedy our leaders’ failure of oversight.

My friend Schultzie in St. Louis (hello to your bride Mary Jane) guessed well how much I had to clean up my language to make it acceptable to priestly ears my last FCM post. I have a few MP friends, several Vietnam vets who fell for the Swiftboating of John Kerry, who deserve now to fly only at night like bats. I admit to language from my Navy Chaplain years, a bit more salty.

The mantra of Republicans since Reagan has been reduce taxes, reduce government, eliminate regulation. What they have really done is create massive deficits, established a climate of rampant corruption, with a global meltdown. They have sold the soul of the American worker for personal profit under the divine belief that the Free Global Market will solve all problems.

"We are a nation of whiners and the recession is only mental," said Senator Phil Graham, McCain’s main economic advisor, and the Dereg Pusher who put the nails in the coffin of this economic debacle, worst since the Depression. Graham wrote McCain’s economic plan and was or is in place to become a big player in McCain’s administration.

So now, guess what? Under Republicans being in charge the last 26 our of 40 years, in total control in #43's first six years, we ordinary taxpayers are having to pay our taxes for the bailout of the huge but huge corporations run for profit with CEO’s walking away with hundreds of millions of our ripped off money and trust. Now we are living in a socialist government because of Republican greed and blind worship of the Free Market.

We have just this week lost 20 to 50 % of our retirement stash and huge drop in our home values, which for many of us is out biggest security cushion. All this was done by our elected leaders who so trusted the Divine Market that they were ready to sell us, tried mightily to sell us, the privatization of social security within two years ago.

'Scuse me, Schultzie. Anyone NOT outraged at this betrayal of trust by our elected leaders have either been a blind part of the problem or they simply don’t understand what has happening.

Republicans in their knee jerk reaction to all government regulation have made socialists of us all, a great transfer of wealth from the average guys and gals to bail out huge for profit organizations in order to save the entire system from going down the tube.

Our taxes are being used to pay for the unparalleled risky investments these bankers and brokers and Republicans took while still walking away with big bucks. The regulatory structures put in place by FDR to prevent another depression have been systematically destroyed.

Massive tax cuts for the rich, trickle down economics and here comes the bill. Ordinary people are stuck with paying an estimated $7.000 per taxpayer to bail out the companies run for profit. Our Republican leaders and fellow voters have turned us all into Socialists. While they whined for decades about the “transfer of wealth” by the graduated income tax FDR initiated.

Transfer of wealth, indeed. We end up paying the salaries of the for profit people making huge salaries in the market and banks and insurance companies, in order to keep the entire system from collapsing. If you think this does not mean extra taxes, you are dreaming.

All of this is brought to us by the party that would protect us from Big Government and the abuse of Welfare for the poor. The G.O.P. is now seen clearly for what it is: the party of the rich, for the rich and by the rich. We ordinary guys and gals are now paying for their partying. It is not and has never been the party of the people, by the people and for the people.
1. In their absolute fear of anything "socialist," like the hand of the government regulation on the Free Market, Republicans have brought us a new Socialism in which we ordinary people are now forced to pay for their risk taking promiscuous partying.
If you are NOT outraged, you have no idea how much you have been ripped off by those pretending to protect you from Big Government.

Welcome to the new national Socialism of the Republicans. We pay for the gamblers to make more money AT OUR RISK. If we return this gang of thieves to power we are believing that the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is still only temporary.

Paschal in Lexington.
Noblesse Oblige. Carpe Diem


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